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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Pet dental care: Essential tips for brushing your furry friend’s teeth

The dog’s teeth are one area of maintenance that is frequently disregarded. While most dog owners know to cut their nails to prevent them from clicking on the floor and buff their coats till they sparkle, not everyone gives their dogs’ teeth much thought. Brushing is crucial because it removes the plaque that causes foul breath and more significant issues like gum disease and tooth damage. The American Veterinary Medical Association states that as early as age three, 80% of dogs exhibit symptoms of canine periodontal disease. More than just sweeter-smelling kisses—your dog may live a longer, happier life if you practice basic dental hygiene at home. (Also read: Rabies: Can someone still die after receiving vaccination post dog bite? Experts discuss)
Dr Charlie Astle, Veterinarian and Pet Wellness Expert shared top tips for brushing your pet’s teeth in her recent Instagram post.
Commercial toothbrushes are available that are specifically designed for use in dogs.
These include:
Remember, human toothpastes contain ingredients that should not be swallowed. If it is swallowed, it can cause an upset stomach or digestive disturbances. Some human toothpastes contain high levels of sodium which may even make your pet ill, while others may contain xylitol (artificial sweetener), which is toxic for dogs.
