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Bengaluru metro services disrupted after man walks on track viaduct

The Purple Line metro services in Bengaluru briefly halted once again after a man stepped on the viaduct area of the Kengeri metro station. The metro services between Rajarajeshwari Nagar and Kengeri metro stations were disrupted.
The Namma Metro officials spotted a person walking on the viaduct near the tracks at 2.30 pm leading to the suspension of metro services for 27 minutes., sources told HT.
Also Read – ‘Karnataka govt is clueless’: BJP’s Tejasvi Surya slams Cong on water crisisThe officials immediately directed the engineering team to halt power supply on the tracks, The investigation is going on, and more details about the person who was spotted on the viaduct are yet to be known.
This is not the first time when Namma Metro halted services after passengers jumped onto metro tracks. Earlier in January, a young man jumped on the track when the train approached the metro station. The loco pilot noticed the man on track and stopped the train by applying emergency brakes. However, the train partially hit the man , and the security staff rescued him. The BMRCL staff immediately halted the power supply to the train through the emergency trip system. The incident happened on the Green Line.
The BMRCL then stressed that it is strictly prohibited to venture into metro tracks as it is highly dangerous. “The tracks are powered by the Third Rail running along the track, carrying 750 Volts. No one is allowed anywhere near the tracks as it is highly dangerous,” an official said earlier.
